Thistle by Judy Goodwin
Our Place
Linda Satterlee-McFadin
I am the one on the left, center
In my place
Do you see me? Probably Not.
I am not distinguishable, but,
That’s OK. I fit in. That’s good for me.
I don’t make waves,
I don’t complain,
I do my job day to day
I am dependable.
Let someone else seek glory, we need glory seekers
They have their place
Individuals, exhibitionists, out of the box thinkers
They create, invent, surmise, declare, resist, insist
People like me duplicate, but,
We are needed
to use those creations, inventions,
To make copies of them, to buy them
To be inspired by the cause
We have our place
When a battle has begun, we’ll fight, vote, chant, we’ll carry on
The indistinguishables, the common ones, there’s more of us
Safety in numbers, face in the crowd, one of the gang
We have our place,
Aren’t we all beautiful?!