Ancient Calendar
Joanne Weis
The Ancient Calendar
Loraine Lawson
Days must have burned slow on the first calendars,
When time was New and
Humans still marked their moments by the sun and moon.
Perhaps this very calendar sat on a Mayan’s desk,
The azure lines a silent reminder that
There are seasons to change…
… crops to tend…
…rituals to oversee.
The ancient calendar is silent because it knows
There will be time for all these
Without setting an alarm for “just” 15 minutes or
Scheduling a “me-time” appointment.
The calendar keeps only the most important events
And yet there is still space for human life.
Back in the early days,
time … stretched … to accommodate …
All those little tasks that niggle us now,
such as lunch
or walking by the river
or letting children play.
All those things we’ll get to soon…
When technology stops meting out
Our time in microseconds,
Only to spit us out on
The other side of life’s days
Just as we realize what mortality really means.